[View the INTRO in the video above]

Interpreters work diligently to gloss their interpretations in such a way that the words presented are grammatically accurate. What interpreters often forget is that their Hearing consumers matter too! It matters how we approach them, how we interact with them, how we present our consumers to them, and it matters how we represent them in our interpretations. Those concepts are so often overlooked and our focus often lies in a translation, but our time on sight all matters, and sign choice and sentence structure are only two pieces of a very large puzzle. This workshop wants to perfect your soft skills and your performance skills. It covers the gambit of topics from our first hello, to our presentation and when it comes to presentation this online workshop takes an unexpected turn. Our Hearing consumers work diligently on their speeches, speech patterns, pauses, points of emphasis, comic relief, the strength or softness of their voice, their style, their audience engagement etc. This workshop will start with logistics, but will wrap up with a significant amount of hands up time practicing the platform interpreting scenarios from wedding speeches, to funerals, to concerts, to comedy. If you want to hone your skills in consumer interaction, or consumer representation, this is the workshop for you! 

Interpreters and interpreting students will be impacted by these new ideas and reminders of how to effectively provide services in a way to benefit all our consumers!

Workshop Details:

Approximately 3 hours of video, + breaks.

Educational Objectives:

At this close of this workshop, interpreters will be able to: 

1)  Recognize the appropriate interaction between interpreters and Hearing consumers. 

2) Recognize the reason affect modeling is critical in our presentation. 

3) Recognize the unique presentation methodology of Hearing presenters. 

4) Understand how to emulate the unique and critical aspects of individual Hearing presenters.


From your hello, to your goodbye, and your presentation in between, what you present and how you present it can make a difference in how the Hearing see the Deaf, and the Deaf see the Hearing. This workshop can help you make that experience amazing for all!

2022 Pricing

Don't miss this unique online experience!

Primary Instructor

Executive Director / Speaker / Instructor / Interpreter / Lighting Designer & Kinda Wacky Person

Samantha Terzis, CI/CT

Samantha began her love for Sign Language at a camp she attended around 1980. There among the many available classes was Signed Music. She signed her first song, and was immediately hooked. From there, apparently a career was born, and it all started at an elementary school camp in the Big Bear Mountains of California. After sign language and drama classes throughout her High School years, she was blessed to attend Westmont College in Santa Barbara, CA, and there pursue a degree in Art/Theatre. With an ongoing passion for signing she simultaneously enrolled in a formal Interpreting degree program from Palomar College in San Marcos, CA. Samantha became a ranked Theatrical Lighting Designer, and that love spurred her integration of Performance and Interpreting. Samantha officially began interpreting in 1989, but what changed her life was her first concert interpreting assignment in 1990. It only took one concert to be permanently hooked on the integration of sign and music. Samantha has now been interpreting for over 30 years. In the midst of her career, she moved to Nashville to continue her Performance Interpreting pursuits and in 1999, she, along with several local Deaf consumers, began Gate Communications, with the collective goal of advancing Deaf accessibility, interpreting education, Deaf Community interactions, and ministerial outreach. Samantha has interpreted concerts from coast to coast, and provided services alongside Presidents, Country/Christian/Pop Artists, and internationally known speakers. She has taught private ASL/Interpreting classes for over 25 years and spent 10 years as a collegiate instructor in an ITP/IPP. Samantha has authored one interpreting book, "Get REAL, A REAL Look at Interpreting" which is used in multiple ITP programs in the U.S. Samantha has a deep love for foreign sign languages. She has experience signing in 5 foreign sign languages and interpreting in 2. She regularly interacts with foreign Deaf consumers living and traveling within the U.S. and outside our borders. Samantha has been working with the Mexican Deaf Community for 20 years. Samantha is the primary ASL/Interpreting instructor in Gate's ITP, and guides Gate's education department as she travels the country presenting at workshops. She has taught workshops in 26 states, and interpreters from 5 countries have attended her workshops. Her primary position is to serve as the Executive Director of Gate Communications, located in the Nashville area... Music City U.S.A. Samantha is pro-people and anti-ego. Gate's motto is "Changing the world, one person at a time" and Samantha hopes to do just that. Her hope is that these workshops won't just be educational, but will be inspiring, challenging, and creative.


Disclaimers/Policy Statements: 

University of New Mexico is an Approved RID CMP Sponsor for Continuing Education Activities. These Professional Studies programs are offered for the CEUs listed above at the Little/None Content Knowledge Level. By taking the workshop, participants agree to hold harmless Gate Communications, its staff, board and volunteers, including participants in the online content, from any physical, mental, emotional, or ethical injury perceived or real. Gate promotes learning environments based on love and respect. We are organization which thrives on the administration of anti-ego, anti-criticism, anti-discrimination, and anti-drama based environments. We believe we are coming together as imperfect humans all striving to improve our skills and our character without judgement of our fellow interpreters, students, and community members. Gate Communications loves people! We do not discriminate. All workshop videos are captioned for the Deaf/Hard of Hearing. Refunds are offered for mistaken purchases, when requests are made immediately after purchase. Feel free to contact us if that transpires. Additional policies statements are available in our Terms of Service. We hope this workshop will inspire you!